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How You Lookin'?

"The QUALITY of your life depends on how YOU see it."

Are you looking beyond what you can "see" or looking at only surface images?

It's like taking a leap of faith, which many people think is a shot in the dark. You believe in it even when you can't see it, because you believe in its value or its possibility. And as my pastor says, "it's not a Leap into the Dark, it's a Walk into the Light."

You determine if you are going have a good day or bad day by your overall outlook at the situations and circumstances, or rather the "circle around your stance" and position in life. Notice that the circle is always changing due to different mishaps, so you know the situation, whatever it may be is only temporary. Again, that is determined by your PERSPECTIVE.

It's all about ATTITUDE and PERSPECTIVE. Is the glass half full or half empty?

I know it's a cliche' but if you think about it for just a second, it makes perfect sense. You determine your attitude everday by the choices you make; "Attitude determines Altitude." And if you make the conscious choice to have a positive attitude no matter what you may be going through, your situations have no other reward except to change.

Choose to look at things through the eyes of Faith and determine your own Perspective.

Be Optimistic.

Choose to share positive energy with the universe....we need more of it.

LIFE IS GOOD! Now Live it!

Just some of my thoughts for today....I DARE you to Keep Believing and change you're looking at things!

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1 comentario

Lady Coni Mack
Lady Coni Mack
30 ago 2023

It’s not about "looking", it’s really about what you SEE! Great post…

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